Sussex Gruffs Male Voice Choir

are based at Worthing College just off the A27

Musical Director - Lucy Goldberg

Lucy Goldberg has been playing the piano since the age of six, and has taken all the graded exams for both classical and jazz. She is also a classically trained singer. Lucy works as a solo pianist in care homes and performs at a wide range of venues for a variety of events and special occasions. She is the Music Director for two other choirs – Inspirations Community Choir in Rustington, and Hospice Harmony at St.Barnabas. Lucy also accompanies other choirs, solo performers and musical theatre groups. 

Lucy became an occasional accompanist for the Sussex Gruffs Male Voice Choir around 2016, and remained involved with them on this basis until the summer of 2019, when she was asked to conduct their performance at Sussex Prairie Garden.


Following a period of time as the choir’s assistant musical director, Lucy became their full-time MD at the start of 2020. Although live rehearsals had to be suspended mid-March due to the pandemic, Lucy ran a total of 225 Zoom sessions for the Choir, from April 2020 through until the end of July 2021, when live rehearsals recommenced. She loves teaching the choir new songs, staging a variety of performances in the local area and, most importantly, helping to spread the joy of music to the wider community!


In summer 2021, Lucy was interviewed by UK choir director and vocal coach Russell Scott, for his choir podcast show. Click on the link is below if you'd like to listen to her talking about the Gruffs and her other choir. - Lucy's Podcast Interview.

Accompanist - Jenny Jeffery

Jenny has played the piano since childhood and, having passed all the graded exams, gained her LRAM diploma in 1985. She has had the pleasure of being the accompanist for the Sussex Gruffs Male Voice Choir for many years, including accompanying them at the Cornwall International Male Voice Choir Festival and on a weekend tour to the Isle of Wight.

She also works as the regular accompanist for the Terry Clough Choir ( a mixed choir based in Ferring), and the Pleasure Singers, ( under the leadership of Jon Openshaw) who are a Ladies choir based in Horsham. She has accompanied the Songbirds Choir on several occasions. She is actively involved in the church music at All Saints Church, Findon Valley. As a soloist she has performed many piano concertos with Lancing Orchestral Society and has organised and performed recitals with her violinist daughter, Heather, in aid of charities.


What our audience says about us

Here are just a few of the great things that have been said about the choir by people in our audience. We hope this section will build as we start to undertake concerts again.

 'Your concerts just get better and better - yesterday's was just superb! I know how much work must have gone into producing such a varied delightful programme - well done.'

From a member of the audience for the annual concert in October 2023

''Thanks for a lovely Concert on Saturday evening. The Sussex Gruffs were amazing - a wonderful male voice choir!  The diction was good, & heads up!  Lovely repertoire. Worthing Silver Band were great too, very musically talented. Thanks again for a lovely, successful, evening.'

From a member of the audience for the annual concert in October 2022

'Please convey my profound thanks to all the choir for their magnificent turnout and performance last Sunday afternoon for my 90th birthday party. It was certainly a memorable day for me and my family were impressed too.' - Allan - August 2022

'It was a pleasure to have The Sussex Gruffs Male Voice Choir perform at our Jubilee Beacon lighting event. What a wonderful performance - thank you for being a part of our event'

Lauren - Event Organiser, Worthing Borough Council

2nd June 2022


‘A huge thank you to The Gruffs Male Voice Choir who delivered a beautiful uplifting performance at a fundraiser event for our small local Charity Superstar Arts. What a talented bunch! A great turnout and a great atmosphere. We are very grateful for their support and kindness.’ - Jo, Superstar Arts 21st May 2022

'Wow! That was a wonderful concert - such lovely choices of music and I thought the two choirs complimented each other so well.  We really did enjoy the evening so much and send you a big ‘thank you’ for inviting us along. Keep up the good work!'


'I really enjoyed the concert on Saturday night. It was fabulous and so professional. It is a joy to support the choir.'  


'Saturday was terrific .. Thank you so much! I was so, so impressed by the choirs .. what can I say .. truly, they moved me to tears.' 


These 3 testimonials were sent to us by 3 different members of the audience for the Superstar Arts Concert above. May 2022

'It was a pleasure to invite the Gruffs to Highdown Gardens. Their upbeat and cheerful tunes were a fantastic way to kick off the bank holiday weekend and bring the local community together. Thank you Gruffs for a wonderful performance!' - Ellen - Highdown Gardens

22nd April 2022

'Thank you so much for bringing all of the magnificent choir to our garden for a wonderful performance for our National Garden Scheme opening.Thank you too for making everyone's day that much brighter and more colourful and for providing some wonderful entertainment for one and all. 

I am very pleased that our event was the one thing to bring the choir together again for a performance after a time of confinement and lack of togetherness. Keep on going now and we wish you well for future entertainments.'- Pauline and Paul - Sussex Prairie Gardens 14th September 2021

What our members say about being in the Choir

‘I first sang in a choir at school about 65 years ago, continued in stage shows, rugby clubs, folk clubs, etc.  Ten years ago I finished with the shows but was encouraged to join the Gruffs.  Talk about a new lease of life!  New friends, new songs, great pleasure.  I was given good advice 10 years ago (clever lady, my wife!!)’ – Alan P

‘The buzz I get from knowing that I have been part of a performance that caused an audience to applaud is wonderful.’ – Bob G

‘Rehearsals require concentration and practice, but are very enjoyable, and the numerous charity concerts we perform throughout the year provide a real sense of satisfaction and achievement.’ – Geoff J

‘Mostly, I am a bit shy and reserved, didn't think I could sing and would never have been able to perform on my own. But since joining the Gruffs, and singing as part of the bass section, my confidence has grown and now I find I really look forward to rehearsals and especially to our next public performance. I enjoy it so much that I arrange my holidays so I don't miss any concerts’ - Paul W

‘Very friendly choir, singing great music. Love it!’ – Mike R

‘I was made very welcome by the other choir members. Fifteen months ago, I was diagnosed with emphysema. When I told the doctor I sang in a choir, he said that singing was the best thing I could do. These past five years I’ve been singing with the Gruffs I have enjoyed it so much, and would say to any man – come and try the choir, you will not regret it.’ - Alan M 

'I was encouraged to join the Gruffs to help boost my self-confidence and mood.  It works - a brilliant prescription.  Joining the choir has had many social, mental and physical benefits.  It's a brilliant sensation when we perform for others' - Bob B.

'Joining the Gruffs gives mental stimulation, friendship, and pride in our achievements in entertaining others.' – Mike K.

'What does singing do for me? It gives me a sense of being and a rewarding hobby. What does singing do for our audiences? It makes them feel something and provides them with memories. Our concert activities, especially at retirement homes, make people happy.  Singing keeps my mind active. There is a lot of fun in singing with a bunch of 'lads'. I'm singing with guys with varying voices and I can feel easy because nobody is judgmental. To sing is therapeutic and causes me naturally to feel happy.' – Alan B.

'I’m a founder member of the choir. Ten years on it's still a relaxing and enjoyable activity. Roll on Tuesday evening rehearsals and performing at concerts.' - Richard C.

'I joined the Gruffs when I retired and could finally stop travelling for work. There is never a dull moment and the support you get from the Musical Team and the other guys is fantastic - I have enjoyed every second.' Dave R

If reading these testimonials has helped you to decide to have a go at singing with us, just click on Contact us and send us a message to get the ball rolling.

​The Sussex Gruffs Male Voice Choir has helped to raise significant amounts of money to promote venues or organisations. 


We have also sung at Weddings and other types of celebrations and are available for performances throughout the Sussex area.


To discuss booking us for a performance, please click on contact us and send us a message.


If you would like to be kept informed of our next concert or would like to reserve tickets, please click on contact us and let us have your full name, email address, contact phone number and details of how many tickets you would like putting aside on the door.

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Choir Member click here.

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© Sussex Gruffs 2016-21